College Years




Friends at college

L to R - ???


NTU Freshman year picnic with fellow Chemical Engineering majors


Time out for the beach -this might be from high school

University Graduation

NTU College Graduation Class Walk

(Left to Right): Stella Chao Fei, Joyce Huang Liu,
 Edith Chien Wang, Karin Hsu Chen, Jennie Chen, Joyce Shen Hsu
 Mae Cheng Hu, Yu-Ron Kin Tien, Shirley Yen Hsu, Annie Chen Chiang.


Off to the US!

Mom's friends watching her leave for the US. What a turn out!
Mom was popular.


Mom waving to friends on her exciting trip to the United States, the land of opportunity. 
It was a big deal to travel to the US from Taiwan, let alone travelling over the Pacific.  
She flew on Japan Air Lines. Commercial jet air travel  started only 6 years
 earlier in 1958 with the 707. The first trans-Pacific flight was in ???