Chicago, Illinois - USA
Chicago Downtown, the birthplace of the skyscraper. When my parents first met each other, they lived pretty far apart. My mother in Missouri, my father in Michigan. They met a number of times at a middle point - Chicago. My father reminds me now and then of a story that while driving to meet my mother, he got tired while driving and drove his VW Bug into a ditch. No harm done, but amusing.
What I will remember Chicago for is this wonderful series of B&W photos of my mom. Including the initial photo of this web site. All taken in June 1965.
Recent Travel Notes About Chicago
I had an opportunity to learn about Chicago in 1997 when I worked in the area for 1.5 months. I had the pleasure of being there in February and March. I realized quickly why my parents chose not to live in the Midwest any more. Biting cold and nasty wind tunnels made a quick impression on me. Although the Chicago area isn't necessarily a good contrast with where we lived - where it was quite hilly - the general impression has stuck with me today.