Toronto, Ontario - Canada
The readily identifiable tall and skinny CN Tower stands out in the background of the Toronto downtown skyline. Toronto is a notable place because it was where my dad's sister and family lived. I can recall the frequent 5 hour drives from Michigan to Toronto. Often in the good ol' station wagon. I recall playing with my cousins and their German Shepard - Bo. I recall crossing the Ambassador bridge near the border checkpoint. I suspect my parents liked to go there to visit the Chinatown also. More bustling than anything in the Detroit area.
Late 70s - (L to R) Jennie's mother, Tina, Jennie, Paul, and myself
1972-73, Toronto
(L to R clockwise, rear first ) Gordon Leung, Martin Leung, Wendy Leung on lap, Su Ching Leung (Dad's sister), Jennie Chen, KC Chen (Dad's brother), Tina Chen, Nancy Leung, family friend)
Recent Travel Notes About Toronto
I had an opportunity to visit Toronto in 1999 for a week on business. Nothing looked familiar at all. My cousins had since moved from their original home, and the area has grown rapidly due to a number of technology firms in the area. My journey around Lake Ontario to Niagara Falls stands out the most for two reasons, one good, the other sad. Sighting Toronto downtown from the other side of the lake was inspiring. The skyline seemed to be almost cloud like way out in the distance, noticeable only if one stopped to look. The sad part, Niagara Falls - I can only imagine what the area was like 25 years ago. There were so many buildings - tall hotels, advertisements, tourist shops, etc... that the whole area seemed downright pathetic, even with the beauty of Niagara right there. Unfortunately in today's world, if we "blink for too long" we just might miss the natural beauty that nature took a millenia to create.