Professional Life  &  Hobbies

Jennie's professional career was almost entirely with 2 employers. At Ford, she performed corrosion and car exhaust  testing, fuel analysis,  flammability and toxicity tests of car upholstery fabrics.  Perhaps the  chemicals she used and measured had something to do with her cancer. Despite these activities she would sometimes refer to her job as a glorified dishwasher (Test tubes, etc...). 
Jennie was on the cover of a trade magazine - Chemical & Engineering News Magazine. (I am currently trying to track down the issue)


At Boeing, she enjoyed her job much more. In no small part due to her direct managers (Thanks Wally!) and scope of work.  She performed failure and thermal analysis. She consulted with customers and wrote reports for them. She mentioned working on the LDEF satellite at one point. (

Most importantly, she was doing a job related to her one of her childhood heroes - Marie Curie. I suspect my mother would have been able to succeed even more in chemistry if it wasn't for her desire to raise a family. 


Research Scientist

August 1966 - May 1985

1986 - 2000


Undated - Early photo of Jennie in her Ford office


Professional Articles

Jennie had a number of articles published in professional journals. Most of them very technical in nature. Far beyond my understanding.

Technical Reports

Bulleting of the Institute of Chemistry Academia Sinica - No.16, June, 1969

Chemical Communication, 1967, p.510

Names referenced

Journal American Ceramic Society, 67, 498(7), 1984

EPA November 1975 - Photometric End Point Detection of the BA_Thorin Titration fo Sulfates

Environmental Letters, 7(3), 271 - 1974




Hobbies included hiking, nutrition, homeopathic medicine, real estate, movies - specifically watching Chinese soap operas / martial arts movies and reading Chinese novels.