I entered Taipei First Girls High at the second semester of 9th grade. I remembered that I admired Chao-yu not because she always grabbed
the first place in grades. I admired her because she was the only person that achieved a balanced life between school and life. She often goes
out with friends on Saturday night (dancing as she told me) while I had to stay home to study to make satisfactory grades for myself. We
both loved outdoor as well as social activities. Only one of us had the luxury to enjoy them during high school.
I had the fortune to meet her again when she came to Detroit to marry Paul. As the only classmate at Detroit, I was her bridesmaid at her
wedding. Last year, I visited Chao-yu and Paul, we shared the memory of their wedding and her early married life. It was one of the most
precious moment for me!
Chao-yu is a fighter for her life. Jenny is a brave soldier to combat the discomfort of cancer treatment and still have positive attitude with life. I don't know if I can be half as brave as she was when I had to face my destiny someday. I wish I can! I know that she will be there to
encourage me when it comes that day!