

Any future donations in memory of Jennie Chen can be sent to:

The Nature Conservancy

Nature Conservancy Donation Page

My mom always appreciated and enjoyed nature.  More of it is being developed and destroyed every day.
By working together we can make sure there are places left to see.

Donations in my mother's name have already been made to the following two organizations:
Please do not send any additional donations to below.

The hospice / nursing home where my mom spent the final 2.5 weeks of her life. 
Donations have gone toward a memorial garden plaque. 

Evergreen Healthcare Foundation

12910 Totem Lake Blvd NE
Suite 200
Kirkland, WA 98034

I would like to thank Wally Plagemann at Boeing for helping gather 
donations from my mom's co-workers at Boeing.


National Taiwan University

Donations going toward assisting the University Chemistry department.

Contact Edith Wang for details

I would like to thank Edith Wang for helping gather
donations from many of my mother's classmates.