Jennie was a gentle and intelligent woman who believed in family and diligent work. She always put her family and children before herself. Trained as a chemist, she had several published articles in professional journals to her credit. Her professional life took a backseat as the demands, rewards, and headaches of raising her children increased. She wore multiple hats - working and raising a family - before many other women even knew what this meant. She was fond of spiritual health matters. In later years she was always recommending a homeopathic remedy. She was the first from her family to come to the US from Taiwan, in large part due to her best of class grades. Coming to the US fulfilled a lifelong dream of hers at the time and was likely, the greatest adventure in her life. Throughout the normal course of life’s ups and downs, our mother enjoyed her life. ---
Thank you for visiting this website which commemorates the recent departure of my mom from this physical world we wander about in. I hope by sharing what I know about my mom's life, that we can all have a better understanding of who my mom was and appreciate her legacy. This website has been a great tool for healing, appreciating, and learning about the past for me, I hope it is for you too. My mother believes in reincarnation, perhaps she is watching one of us now from another vantage point. Please take a moment to fill out the guestbook and share your thoughts about this site.
Now You Are Free Mom, Wayne Chen