
The following maps paint a very broad brush.  I have included countries where I might have only seen a small part and/or a single city.
Most countries have been explored quite a bit more in depth.  
Airplane stopovers are not included.  Nor bus / train transit when it comes to a country.
Bus / train transit when counting a state/department/area within a country may be counted.
Meaningful time must have been spent in the state/country borders.

Countries visited

Did you know the word COUNTRY (Merriam Webster) comes from CONTRA - as in ---> we're against each other.
Not a recipe for peace...


August 2011

Create your own visited countries map
(World66)   /  Original source - create your own visited countries map

Maps can be DEceiving. Let's take a closer look.

USA States

create your own visited states map


Canadian Provinces

Create your own map of Canada

Europe & Russia

August 2011

Create your own map of Europe


Create your own map of India



TripAdvisor City Maps

August 2011

MTP - MostTraveledPeople map


Maps of these last two types more clearly shows the gaps in travel better. I haven´t added every single city in the Trip advisor map, but it is a more accurate picture.
The MTP map is defined based on a user voting system which leads to odd divisions of the map checklist of where one has been.
For example - Switzerland is split up into separate areas but a larger country - geographically and population - like Colombia is not. In other words a trip to one city in Colombia
will highlight the whole country, but a trip to one city in Swizterland will not.
But the MTP map does show well at this resolution regions visited in large nations like Brazil, Russia, China, and Australia.

Missing Northern South America, everything inside the corners of Africa, most of France, Stans of Central Asia,  Most of Russia, Central Mexico,  
most of Arabian peninsula,  interior China, Indonesian islands, Greenland, Anarctica, Northern Canada and US Alaska.

Country Counting

*Country / place counting can be foolish if taken too seriously. For it doesn't matter how many places you travel to
at a certain point, but rather -  what and how you have learned to see. With that said....


I spent 10 nights recently (Dec 2006) in the Czech Republic. I spent a couple of days in Olomouc - Eastern Czech Republic. I could have taken a trip for a few days to visit South Poland and Slovakia, thus 'adding' another 2 digits to my country count. But, my brain was 'fried' and I was after more quality than quantity. It didn't help that the weather was getting colder and the days shorter too. Bottom line, if I am not ready for a country and there is no compelling reason for me to go there - then I won't. Adding countries to my count is not compelling.

In my tour of the Baltic States area, I chose to skip nearby Estonia after arriving in Latvia. I wanted to see more different landscapes and head South sooner. Now I have a gap in the country level map and one less country, but I would rather visit a new place with more excitement.

People who country count are overly concerned with the number of countries they have been to. One could, relatively easily, add 10+ countries in a short period of time with little expense due to short distances. The Caribbean is a good example (Many islands are territories of European powers, which if counted as places, would bring the number to 20+).  I haven't been to any countries in the Caribbean (As of April 2010).  A recent 10-day trip to San Andres & Providencia in the Western Caribbean don't add to my country count as they belong to Colombia.