For those not from the USA - everything is bigger in America. A stretched Ford Excursion in Long Beach, CA USA (Los Angeles area)
Check out those gas station attendants!
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Huangshan (Yellow Mountains) -China
Those are heavy loads! Dozens of
porters take supplies up to the tourist areas the hard way when
they could just as easily send it up via the tram.
The gray object on the right side of the bike path in between the bicycles is a men's urinal right out in the open. Yeah! Amsterdam, Netherlands. And you thought Amsterdam was only about smoking pot and the Red Light District.
Titan Missle Museum (Near Tucson, AZ, USA)
9 megaton nuclear warhead
(600x power of bomb drop on Japan!)
In today’s tutorial we will be creating a custom animation banner with jQuery. The idea is to have different elements in a banner that will animate step-wise in a custom way.
We will be using the jQuery Easing Plugin and the jQuery 2D Transform Plugin to create some nifty animations.
In this tutorial we are going to create a stunning full page gallery with scrollable thumbnails and a scrollable full screen preview. The idea is to have a thumbnails bar at the bottom of the page that scrolls automatically when the user moves the mouse. When a thumbnail is clicked, it moves to the center of the page and the full screen image is loaded in the background.
Article DemoToday we will create a neat effect with some images using jQuery. The main idea is to have an image area with several images that slide out when we hover over them, revealing other images. The sliding effect will be random, i.e. the images will slide to the top or bottom, left or right, fading out or not. When we click on any area, all areas will slide their images out.
Article DemoToday we will show you a nice effect for images with jQuery. The idea is to have a set of rotated thumbnails that, once clicked, animate to form the selected image. You can navigate through the images with previous and next buttons and when the big image gets clicked it will scatter into the little box shaped thumbnails again.
Article DemoToday we will create a news previewer that let’s you show your latest articles or news in a compact way. The news previewer will show some list of articles on the left side and the preview of the article with a longer description on the right. Once a news on the left is clicked, the preview will slide in.
Article DemoIn this tutorial we are going to create a simple menu that will stand out once we hover over it by covering everything except the menu with a dark overlay. The menu will stay white and a submenu area will expand. We will create this effect using jQuery.
Article DemoIn this tutorial we are going to create an image gallery with a Polaroid look. We will have albums that will expand to sets of slightly rotated thumbnails that pop out on hover. The full image will slide in from the bottom once a thumbnail is clicked. In the full image view the user can navigate through the pictures or simply choose another thumbnail to be displayed.
Article DemoIn this tutorial we will create a content panel that slides out at a predefined scroll position. It will reveal a teaser with related content and it can be expanded to full page size to show more. A custom slider allows to scroll through many items in the panel.
Article DemoIn this tutorial we are going to create an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. We are going to use jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style. The main idea is to have a menu of albums where each item will reveal a horizontal bar with thumbnails when clicked.