Sound / EMF

What Did You Say Again?

An often overlooked area relating to our health is the sounds we expose ourselves to.

Noise at pro sports games can cause long-term hearing loss (CBC News)

Want a Better Listener? Protect Those Ears (New York Times)

The Sound of Emotions

It isn't just - measurable hearing loss - though. Sound is connected to our state of mental health and happiness. For example, when someone raises their voice in anger at or near you -- "you feel it."  You remember that anger and you remember who it came from. How? The sound wave from their voice goes " inside you." The visual image of the person is recorded along with the sound, and if you know the name of that person, a "name-tag" gets attached to the sound, if not, your closest approximation from your "database of internal labels."  And this "anger / sequence of syllables / sounds" gets retained  until our body heals that anger / sound by "getting rid of it."  Our heart records the sound wave.  How does our body heal it? How do we make ourselves immune to these "feeling shockwaves?" :-)


Phantom Phone Vibrations: So Common They've Changed Our Brains? (NPR)
Example of sound "echoing inside us"