Faster / Smarter

Hidden Abilities

Sometimes you have to leave behind what you thought was true to learn something new.

One of the things I've learned over the years is that there is so much about ourselves that we don't understand, from both a physical and mental perspective. Many might think that everything on Earth that is worth exploring has been explored, but the most unexplored place is staring at us in the mirror everyday - ourselves. From the brain to our heart and our entire body.

Open up a biology textbook and it might appear that "science/we" understand everything that there is to know about our human body. A casual examination of some of the videos below would tell a different tale. We understand only to a (relatively) superficial level the true extent of who we are. From amazing mental powers to amazing physical abilities, there is more to us than most would suspect. Take a look for yourself!

1) Iceberg Swim - BBC clip demonstrating the ability to generate enough heat to swim amongst icebergs enjoyably! Wim Hof - Dutch Iceman
2) U/W Vision - BBC clip on the ability to dilate our pupils and see underwater clearly
3) Human Calc - RG - Rudiger Gamm was bad at math and then "Literally Overnight"...he became a math genius. This is ~10 minute clip from Discovery Channel: The Real Superhumans documentary. The missing part goes on to verify that he is not a savant, but a human calculator. If you would like a copy of the entire documentary, contact me.
4) Pi to 20,000 - ABC News piece on Daniel Tammett reciting Pi to 20,000 digits and learning Icelandic in a week
60 Minutes: Jake the Math Prodigy -
5) Internal Heat - BBC clip showing how monks using meditation techniques are able to generate internal heat to dry off a cold towel in a cold room.
6 & 7) Memory - Endless Memory parts 1 and 2 is an original piece from 60 Minutes. It has since had a follow up show to explore more individuals who have come forward with what is being called 'Superautobiographical Memory'. 8) A Clue - The story of Orlando Sorrell, a boy who after getting hit by a baseball on the LEFT side of his brain acquires phenomenal memory and date calculation (or recall rather - as he notes he is not 'calculating' anything) skills. More information in a documentary called Memory Masters - available on Youtube as of Oct.2014.

There are many more videos about all sorts of hidden abilities that we have inside of us. If one were to step back and look at the big picture and consider what do all these stories mean, one may end up challenging one's' belief system about who we are and where we come from, discuss how you feel about them below. But, perhaps you want to know, how would one acquire any of these abilities? A clue is in carefully watching these videos and doing a lot of related research.

1) Ability came about spontaneously (And/or from birth)
2) In one of the videos above it talks about how an ability to acquire memory and access to an internal calendar system was due to a baseball hitting the LEFT side of his brain. This is a clue, as the LEFT side is the "primary home" of logic and language.
3) It is (relatively) effortless.

I will talk about these themes in more detail on other pages in this MIND group of pages. While I have not acquired any of the abilities above, I have acquired other skills, and perhaps one day I will spontaneously acquire some of those above!