The Unwind


This page is called the unwind, because it is the opposite of getting "all wound up," or adding cumulative stress / tension in our body and mind - which leads to headaches, inner conflicts, and a myriad of health problems which can vary from person to person. Faster aging, back pain, gray hair, heart related issues, weight gain, and a weaker immune system are also symptoms. Once I figured out what to do to heal my inner mind & body, I had to actually apply it to myself, and there were unexpected surprises along the way.


Tension example: Here is a photo (Wikipedia) that became world famous showing the real-time pursuit and killing of Osama Bin Laden as seen from the perspective of US President Obama, VP Biden,  Sec of State Clinton, Sec of Defense Robert Gates, and various other US government officials. Nobody is saying anything in the photo -- but perhaps you could imagine the "tension in the air." What is "tension in the air?"  Or we might also call it "excitement in the air" - when we go some place that has a different "vibe" than what we are accustomed to. Hawaii, Las Vegas, New York City, a foreign city, any place, it's all relative to each person's existing "vibe" / tension level.

Las Vegas - New York City Times Square - Maui, Hawaii beach (wikipedia images)

Or "tension in the air" from disagreements or marital problems....

What is Tension in the Air?

Tension in the air = collective vibration from all individuals, machines, devices, cars, wireless signals, etc... in a room, building, area, or city. We affect the immediate area around us. Remember, EVERYTHING is vibrating, including air molecules. This is why some places and/or people may seem agreeable / disagreeable to us in a given moment.

Vibrating Molecules

Related article: Anti-wi-fi paint offers security (BBC) - "The paint contains an aluminium-iron oxide which resonates at the same frequency as wi-fi - or other radio waves - meaning the airborne data is absorbed and blocked."

All molecules are vibrating, thus everything around us is vibrating, even though it doesn't appear that way. Do you know that song by the Beach Boys -- Good Vibrations? We have collective and individual vibrations.

A Mask

People who knew me in the past - either at the office or outside of it,  probably would have called me a calm person, but I was "wearing a mask" over internal stress - which required visits to the chiropractor, massage therapy, and frequent, regular  exercise to shed weight from overeating (emotional eating).

As I learned about how our minds & bodies work, I figured out a way to get rid of stress rapidly using some very unorthodox techniques, which came about from research related to the the novel I wrote.

Methodology Basis

The basis of the methodology (modified and extended) comes from Scandinavia, a region of the world which always scores at the top for both economic development and happiness according to world rankings. Scandinavia has a small population base of approximately 20 million people -- but is the origin of famous companies such as those below.

Tetra Pak - maybe the food in your fridge or pantry is in a Tetra Pak container?

Skype is now owned by Microsoft, but was founded by a Dane and Swede

Electrolux is also the parent company for Frigidaire - one of the largest appliance manufacturers in the world.

Maersk - largest container shipping company and supply vessel operator in the world

The way of thinking is also prevalent in Finland - which is famous for companies such as
Nokia, KONE (elevators), Rovio (Makers of Angry Birds) and Supercell.


Stress Removal

To (accelerate the process) of getting rid of stress, I went to places where there was less tension, a lot less. Below were my final 3 multi-month stopping points. All located in areas with few people, sunny weather, near water, and to me anyways, outstanding natural beauty. These places were important in helping me to achieve a higher level of inner peace.

Of course, we can't all take such time to "remove stress / tension" but there are lessons in the methodology.

My standard of calm is "much calmer" than what most people think of as calm.  It also applies under what most people would consider "stressful situations," which are often fear-inducing. -- My standard is inner calmness under any situation, with any person / group. And it is (ultimately) a peaceful state that does not require food or drink to suppress anything and eventually, no willpower. Willpower = stress.

We use food and drink (especially caffeine) to suppress our emotions, not just as an energy source. This is called emotional eating / drinking. We also use willpower to suppress unpleasant feelings in our subconscious. This leads to "inner conflicts" as what we do on the outside, may not match how we feel on the inside (hypocrisy).

Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Emotional Intelligence (Forbes)

Please see the Health - Heart / Stress topic for more information on this.

Final 3 stopping points

La Restinga < 500 people, on a small island with only 10,000 souls and few tourists, in contrast to the other Canary Islands
--- Pasajcap site - Lake Atitlan < 50 people, but just a short beautiful boat ride or 15 min walk to nearby towns
scattered around a large lake in the Guatemalan highlands
--- Paleochora, Crete, Greece < 2000 people, non-tourist season, inexpensive and slow pace of life

La Restinga, El Hierro, Canary Islands

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Pasajcap (Pierre)

Paleochora, Crete, Greece
Relax Apartments & Studios (Olga)