Journeys on our Blue Planet --

About Me

a summary of my personality in a few photographs....

The detailed side of me says - "wow, what intricate mosaic work."
The big picture side of me says -- "why did this city fail?"
Old Roman City of Volubilis - near Meknes, Morocco

There is a time to compete, and a time for cooperation.
How much of each happened here in this ancient stadium?
Old Greek city of Aphrodisias - Turkey


Even the "known can be unknown," if you've never been there before yourself. It seemed familiar, but visiting the Colosseum was still a new personal experience. And I've learned --
knowledge without experience, is only so useful.
But experience without knowledge - can be shortsighted too.
Rome, Italy

Comparing & contrasting differences over time and between cultures is a strong trait of mine. In the background is the colorful 19th century Pena National Palace. In the foreground,
 the abandoned 9th century Castle of the Moors
Sintra, Portugal



Even with only two arms, I can still multitask pretty well.
But not as good as Buddha here on Ko Samui, Thailand.

Nara, Japan

Easy to get along with -- that's what the deer think so anyway!
Nara, Japan



Having a good time while traveling or...
Dauin, Philippines dive resort

.....while at home is important.
Medellin, Colombia


Learned inner peace helps me cross bridges. Coast is clear here.
Putrajaya, Malaysia - administrative capital

"A picture only says a thousand words."
 Some things must be seen and felt (experienced) to be understood.
Perito Moreno Glaciar, Argentina


On the surface life can be complex, but like the Qatar desert,
as we "know ourselves better," it gets simpler.

A little respect goes a long way
Cairns, Australia


Context - sometimes buildings make the picture....
Fez, Morocco

sometimes people.
Near Ollantaytambo, Peru


Sometimes the "newer" technical solution is better....
Riding the Segway in Seattle, WA, USA

....other times the tried and true.
Riding a mule down the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA


Still not good at drawing, so I'll leave that to the more talented.
Nara, Japan

I do alright finding deserted beaches though,
or finding creative solutions to complex problems.
Ko Lanta, Thailand


I can rough it and make do with simple accomodation,
as long as it's clean!
This is pretty good. Annapurna Trail, Nepal

Sometimes I fend off giant, strange creatures.
I've stunned this one near Torres del Paine, Chile
Helpful trait to have in the human jungle. ;-)


Nothing just happens - it has to be - planned
I've been known to plan a lot,
but much more flexible these days.
Singapore City Planning Museum

Figuring out what to do is not always easy after one has
"seen and done it all" on a world trip. Here, a rack of product
brochures at an Australian hostel confronts me. During my travels I honed my ability to filter through a vast quantity of information to find what is important / unique.


Sometimes interesting views can be seen with the naked eye,
sometimes with a little help.
Altiplano near San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Patience is a skill I've honed over the years....easier when the view
is good, like at this bus stop in Florianopolis, Brazil


Attention to detail is one of the skills I already had....
Thorny Toad / Thorny Devil - West Coast of Australia

...and continued to fine tune as I traveled.
Small frog - "Pipeline Road" near Panama City, Panama


Enough about well do you know yourself?
Have you ever seen your 'real self' in the mirror?
Check out the True Mirror
It shows our 'self' in a non-reversed manner.