Journeys on our Blue Planet --

Heart / Stress

coffee documentary -
mix of studies....and my methodology of analysis


Caffeine energy drinks 'intensify heart contractions' (BBC)
Some studies say caffeine is good, some say bad. (Who funds these studies anyway?) I'll say it's all relative to what is
one's goal for a given time period, and life in general. Try going without it for a couple of days, if you drink it everyday.
You will (most likely) get a terrible headache - which will (often) go away in a couple of days, or less. Look online for all the
sources, caffeine isn't just from drinks, but also some foods and medicine. If you get through the headache, a question
you might want to ask then is --- what is a headache? Is your brain (and heart) trying to tell you something?

If caffeine intensifies heart contractions, does that mean our heart is working harder?
Maybe caffeine is necessary in the short term for some goal, but is that good in the long term?

Centers for Disease Control- Leading Causes of Death (in USA)
Heart disease is the leading cause of death
And suffering? People suffer from HEARTache, HEART attacks, HEARTburn, chest (heart)
these are all signs -- we should pay more attention to what affects our hearts..."all that glitters is not gold"

Photos from Colombia's Juan Valdez Cafe in Seattle, now closed, which was located inside the Macy's department store. I used to drink a lot
of coke, ice tea, and coffee.  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a photo with the barista at an American Juan Valdez Cafe - they are all over Colombia.

(I've almost completely eliminated any desire to eat chocolate too -- another source of caffeine. This was harder than coffee / ice tea for me)