Quiet Freedom
Quiet Freedom book
Short description: A novel about discovering inner peace by learning to know ourselves better - an adventure that takes place
during a search for a wild polar bear in Greenland. Lessons in having a quieter mind for a more peaceful state of being.
~300 pages 6" x 9" standard fiction book (~350 pages double spaced 8.5x11)
Back Page text: Quiet Freedom The death of a best friend causes Amanda, a successful career woman, to question her existence and the direction her life is taking. She embarks on a journey of discovery. This trip takes her from a life in the comfortable big city, to the desolate Arctic in Greenland, on a search for a one on one encounter with a wild polar bear. It is a search that comes to life with the realization that she has never seen a real polar bear despite owning a large “You’ll never look at a stuffed animal the same way again.” |
Book will be published shortly - here is a draft cover.
W.C. Peace - pseudonym
Sample Chapters (All PDF)
Chapters 3 & 4 - How a visit to see a polar bear at a zoo, motivates Amanda
to see a wild polar bear, not a caged one.
Remaining sample chapters are from scenes in Greenland
Prologue - Chapter 3- Real Thing - Chapter 4 - Zoo Life - Chapter 14 - Dark & Light -
Chapter 15 - 77.5 Latitude - Chapter 18 - Old Curses - Chapter 25 - Meteorite Land
Little Mermaid sculpture in Copenhagen, Denmark
The "original" non-Disney version of the Little Mermaid story is one of the plot elements