Journeys on our Blue Planet --


Trail in the Galapagos Islands - 2006

My adult life experience can be separated into two chapters.

1) Increasing roles & responsibilities at various companies
2) Realized that my inner spiritual life and knowledge of the
world needed serious attention.


1st Chapter

This chapter began in software retail then to a small business venture. Later, work was defined by various  jobs with steadily increasing roles & responsibilities as noted below. But sometimes "life throws a curveball," and you hit the ball in a very different direction. These moments / "curveballs"  for me came in 2001, due to various life (Death of mom from cancer being a primary reason) and world events (9/11), colliding with my inherent curiosity about the unknown.

I realized the need to address other aspects of my life and improve my education about our
increasingly interconnected world and thus began the 2nd chapter.


2nd Chapter

This 2nd phase is marked by extensive world traveling, writing of a fictional novel, then a desire to experience life in another culture, not just "momentary browsing" as a tourist for a few days or weeks - but more in depth. A move to Medellin, Colombia was my base for this immersion.
Medellin is nicknamed - The City of Eternal Spring - because of its weather.

 Becoming fluent in another language (Spanish), conducting research on health issues, 
finding inner peace, self-awareness, increasing my emotional IQ,
and understanding our world were the themes of life there.

Along the way I traveled to more places to keep learning about the unknown and to answer the many
mysteries of life, that some ponder. Why is the world the way it is?
Why do "we" do what "we" do? Where do we come from? What comes after?
And another question that I never really forgot about --
Why do people decide to fly planes into buildings? A deeper answer than just "They hated America."
I found my answers and a lot more....