Journeys on our Blue Planet --


write introduction


Hanging out with a very old tortoise on the Galapagos Islands

By eliminating --- stress / tension / pressure --- everything gets easier in life.
I used to need chiropractic adjustments and massages, but not any more.
If one's goal is to last a long time like a tortoise, and be healthy,...then addressing the heart and mind is important.
With this "internal freedom" from repressed stress, I've gained a fresh perspective on everything. And this quote that I've cherished in the past:

The true voyage of discovery is not in going to new places, but in seeing with new eyes - Marcel Proust

I can now say this quote has been internalized....


Nutrition / Health Summary Results

  • Learned about modern food production, food industry advertising and
    combined with knowledge of our deep inner mind, I have changed my instinctual dietary choices.
  • Eliminated coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, alcohol, caffeinated beverages. Mostly drinking water and some juice.
  • Never get colds, flu, sick, headaches, a runny nose, or hay fever unless
    I weaken my system, by eating "enough" of the "wrong foods" and/or
    insufficient water / UV light / fresh air in a given time period
    (I can count the number of colds I've had in the last 4 years with fingers left over)
  • Almost never get stressed out / nervous on the outside or inside
  • No gray hair (can be a reflection of accumulated internal stress)
    Example - look how much gray hair US President Obama has acquired in a very short time. Relationships, unpleasant situations, all stress inducing...
  • No medications, health supplements - no pills
  • Lost 25 pounds without dieting -- by focusing on the reasons we overeat (Emotional eating)


copy this to About Me?
Also add language - Pimsleur - cases....

Skills from studying -- who we are

-   Rebalance of heart and mind

-   Employed new methods (self-developed) to heal mind of subconscious
phobias, fears, repressed stress & tension

-   Learned how to reprogram our instincts to 'erase' (undesirable) habits / thoughts. Also for diet.
Goal -- to bring myself to a more healthy, peaceful, mental, and physical state of being.
No willpower required, once changed. This is not NLP.

- Insights into why we are, the way we are, by studying many cultures and
ways of thought around the world. Comparative analysis.

- High level of inner peace helpful in finding the way forward in an increasingly complicated world


Learning by Experience

My happy arrival in Jomsom, Nepal on Cosmic Air -- taking in the view of the Nepalese mountains

My trek on the Annapurna Trail was cut short by me getting altitude sickness (lots of puking) a few days
later near Muktinath, Nepal (3,710 meters / 12,171 feet), because I drank a bottle of beer prior to ascending to such a high altitude.
Lesson learned - don't drink alcohol at altitude. An example of a setback while traveling which I learned to bounce back from and keep going.
Living abroad and traveling for extended time periods has its low points, but I always learned to survive, adapt, and change as necessary.
Later, as I learned more about how our mind & bodies work - I've reached a point of nearly eliminating most harmful emotions.