Sound / EMF
Noise at pro sports games can cause long-term hearing loss (CBC News) -- Want a Better Listener? Protect Those Ears (New York Times)
It isn't just - measurable hearing loss - though. Sound is connected to our state of mental health and happiness.
For example, when someone raises their voice in anger at or near you -- "you feel it." You remember that anger and you remember
who it came from. How? The sound wave from their voice goes "inside you." The visual image of the person is recorded along with
the sound, and if you know the name of that person, a "name-tag" gets attached to the sound, if not, your closest approximation from
your "database of internal labels." And this "anger / sequence of syllables / sounds" gets retained until our body heals that
anger / sound by "getting rid of it." Our heart records the sound wave. How does our body heal it?
How do we make ourselves immune to these "feeling shockwaves?" :-)
Phantom Phone Vibrations: So Common They've Changed Our Brains? (NPR)
Example of sound "echoing inside us"
Zadar, Croatia sea organ -- a place where sound and water meet. A lesson for ourselves when we think about how sound and water interact in our own body.
Aqueduct of Segovia, Spain -- we (often) take water for granted because we don't see where it comes from and
"it all looks the same." A twist of a faucet or a water bottle cap, or the wave of a hand under a motion sensor
and the water comes gushing out. There is more to water than meets the eye though. ;-)