Journeys on our Blue Planet --


Mind Studies

Like any discipline, marketing is both knowledge and experience.
Part of that knowledge is in understanding people, and by definition, ourselves.
I made significant upgrades to my interpersonal skills while traveling.

Posing in Norway with a large wooden viking. Standing next to an indigenous native on the outskirts of Panama City, Panama

I learned many things by studying different cultures - both "poor / rich" and "simple / complicated."
In Scandinavia, I learned about why this region of the world is always at the top of happiness rankings.
(Denmark - often recognized as the Happiest Country in the World, other Scadinavian countries are not far behind)
In experiencing vastly different cultures, I gained the ability to see things from many perspectives without being judgmental.


Just a few of the documentaries I watched related to neuroscience / psychology / mental health / marketing
Insights into our mind, addiction, and the measurable effects of stress on our health

NG: Stress Portrait of a Killer Trailer --- BBC Century of the Self Trailer


Taking in the big picture here....Wuyi Shan area, China  --  Bicycle escalator / elevator in Trondheim, Norway

clip from BBC: Phobias documentary
(I would take issue with some of this analysis...certainly could expand on it.) result of all this traveling, knowledge acquisition, and testing of "myself" was learning the reasons
we become fearful, and how to eliminate them. Not overcoming fear with "courage," but eliminating
them -- as if they never existed. Also, we don't just learn fear as shown in this mini video clip,
but this mind psychology is a story for another day....