Journeys on our Blue Planet --



Some perspectives on my technology background

Playing Sneakers on an Apple II+ - many moons ago
(Separate color and green screens!)

1st tablet: Toshiba Portege 3500 tablet computer w/ Windows XP Tablet edition - 2003!
Current tablet: Google Nexus 7 tablet with ~125 apps loaded (Laptop replacement on some trips!)

My experience with technology spans from proficiency in standard "office software" tools to
selling Apple / Windows software at retail to running a small business where I built dozens of
computers from the ground up after specifying the motherboards, graphics, multimedia, network
cards, etc...then selling the software and services to complete the solution. From MS-DOS / PC-DOS
to the many flavors of Windows, Apple too. I also owned an Apple Power Mac G4 which was part of a
music home studio. Prior to this, I was a frequent user of Compuserve and Bulletin Board Systems (BBS)
such as PC Board, Searchlight, & Wildcat! I even maintained a publicly distributed list that tracked all the
latest versions of shareware software that could be found online as well as beta testing of various
shareware software programs as provided by authors -- Latest Versions List / LVL.
Other experience below.