Journeys on our Blue Planet --




Redmond, WA

Sales Specialist
(Current, part-time)

Kirkland, WA

Writer - Quiet Freedom

Lake Forest, CA


Product Manager for a new In-Flight Entertainment System - eFX

Example of hardware units that I was intimately involved in during the design process for a new IFE system. These particular units are part of a wide-body system, adapted for use from eFX, a narrow body system.


Irvine, CA

Software Configuration Manager --> Marketing Manager / Business Development

Member of team that delivered the first full aircraft
audio / video on demand IFE system - P@ssport.

To South African Airways, and later Air Canada, then US Airways.

Mission Viejo, CA

Software Configuration (Logistics) Analyst

Newport Beach, CA

System Consultant

Bellevue, WA

Owner / Manager of a small business -
Custom PCs and software solutions for consumers and small businesses.

Egghead Discount Software

Bellevue, WA

Retail Sales Associate at flagship Bellevue, WA store